Beyond “Seven Samurai” and Toshiro Mifuni, few of us knew much about the other works and art of Akira Kurosawa’s back in the 1970s. They simply were not readily available to us in the USA then. This is a wonderful video that covers those works and the history of his life.
Author: merisser229
How can you tell if a photo is AI generated? Here are some tips.
It will be interesting to see how AI generated images evolve technologically as they meld their way into the vast universe of visual imagery around us. Their niche will grow, but with that, I feel the demand for authenticity will increase with it, adding value to the work of those genuine creators who produce high-quality visual images. It brings to mind the value a genuine luxury brand product holds over a good “knock-off,” even when it might be difficult to tell the difference between the two. Of course, these are just my early musings on AI generated images at this point, and I could be completely wrong on that one.
I enjoy looking back on so many technologies that were introduced over the years, the pundits predictions on their future impact at the time, followed by the realities that unfolded into the future afterward. Learning how to adapt to those new realities is another matter altogether.
Curzon – Unpacking Wes Anderson’s Cinematic Style | Curzon | Zoë Morgan
This may be the best article I’ve read that details many of the elements of the Wes Anderson aesthetic. As it becomes more ubiquitous over time, some may appreciate it, not knowing anything about its origin. Fans of it should enjoy this article.
How I Shoot Tri-X Black And White Film | The Slanted Lens
The recent resurgence of film photography has fascinated me to the point that now, years after it began, I finally decided to go back to my film/darkroom days where my interest in photography is rooted and shoot my first roll of film for the first time since the mid 1990s.
As one who was schooled and worked many days and hours on end in darkrooms over several years, I thought getting back into film after 20+ years of digital photography shouldn’t be difficult at all. That said much has changed with the new incarnation of film. For one, Kodachrome is no longer available for color film photography, my absolute favorite for capturing the best 35mm images back in the day. Most of what I did in school/work during my early days of photography was of a commercial nature, so technically perfect and high-quality realistic sharp images were what was in high demand. There was nothing like processing an 8 x 10 color transparency in the darkroom and taking a look at it after it dried, and it was almost looking like the real subject, not a positive image since the resolution was so high and grain almost invisible! Creative photography was not something I was involved with professionally but was my favorite genre on a purely artistic level. Black and white gilm photography was paramount for me in the creative realm then and still is today in the digital world.
This all brings me to today, and my planned venture into black and white photography after decades away. As mentioned, much has changed since then, so to venture forth, I wanted to begin with a familiar “constant” from my past. With that said, I decided to go with the first two basics, a camera and film. I chose my Nikon Photomatic FTN 35mm camera I’ve owned since 1974 for my camera and Kodak Tri-X 400 for my film. While Kodachrome was my favorite color film, but it is long gone. Kodak Tri-X 400 was my favorite black and white and needless to say. I was elated when I found it is available today!
I am looking forward to this endeavor and still looking at film processing and print options. To get the most out Kodak Tri-X 400 film, they closely work together, almost one and the same. I was never able to get all the creative and extraordinary images out of Kodak Tri-X 400 back in the day that others did, so now is my chance to make happen, what didn’t back then.
Memory is a Verb: Exploring Time and Transience
Nothing compares to seeing photographs come to life in an event of this nature. Each photographers story was unique and moving.
While their photographs and narratives were compelling and powerful enough, there is still nothing like meeting the photographers in person, and listening to them expand upon their often very emotional and personal stories.
Silver cameras are better than black for ONE major reason | Digital Camera World
When I read the title of this article, I really could not think of a reason silver cameras would be better than black. Then I read it, and the reason makes perfect sense. For someone like me, who has lived through and coped with a lifetime of very hot and bright sunny summers, the reason should have been obvious.
I am still “reflecting” on that reason, and my experience on a hot sunny day last September when my sliver “pocket” Leica took over after my black Samsung phone camera overheated and crashed without warning on a photo walk. The details in this article go into more detail on the how and why on that. It was definitely a lesson learned.
Memory is a Verb: Exploring Time and Transience – Dallas Center for Photography
Why Are So Many Gen Z-ers Drawn to Old Digital Cameras? | PetaPixel | Tim Gorichanez
This article is packed with much more than the title suggests and delves into life, meaning, and much more that a photographer (or anyone) might find interesting and insightful.
Wim Wenders – Photography
Many people are familiar with some of Wim Wenders films, and his captivating moving picture artistry that captivates us in them. What many don’t know, as with many great directors, he is a great still photographer and remains one to this day.
Check out the tribute to his “road’ trilogy in the attached video below along with his website, that includes a section featuring his still photography.
AI Drawing Hands Issue: Why AI Art Tools Can’t Create Hands? – Dataconomy
AI is good at many things. If you want surrealistic and nightmarish imagery, AI inadvertently does that very well. AI is simply unparalleled in that regard when it comes to drawing hands at this point in its bizarre evolution. AI has mastered that “hands” down!