An intricate, nuanced, and insightful video by Matin Osner in response to a recurring and often burning question to which many struggle to answer in the world of art and photography.
Category: Visual Communications
Photography Resolutions for 2024 | Justin Mott
Justin Mott offers some good new year photography resolutions of his own that photographers of all levels might want to follow.
Personally, he reinforces one trend I began this year of shooting more with my “Nifty Fifty”. In the past, I only used it it when it was the optimal lens choice and focal length for a given situation. On my city walkarounds, I preferred to use my various zoom lenses mixed with my phone camera photo grabs for many of my “street” shots. This arrangement and process began to feel cumbersome as I began wanting to travel light on those walkarounds. The efficiency of the phone camera grabs was good for immediate editing and getting images “out there” on Social Media, etc., but afterwards I found, in spite of having one of the best phone cameras available, some shots simply did not measure up to the images of the same subject/time/place I captured for comparison with my full frame Nikon DLSR. It also meant having pictures in multiple locations, furthering the complexity of image file management down the road.
Lightroom Tone Curve Explained – Julia Trotti
This is one of the most comprehensive tutorials I’ve found that explains and demonstrates the power and nuance that the often overlooked and/or underused by many Tone Curve panel in Lightroom offers when editing images.
Photoshop Cafe – Will this change Photoshop forever?
As Photoshop evolves with changes almost exponentially this year with a dizzying series of additional features to comprehend and master, this video from Photoshop Cafe does a very nice job of putting the latest change (with filters on this one) in a user friendly useful way that most will find very helpful.
As with most application software updates, they tend to build on and/or modify elements that heavy/moderate users are already familiar with here and this “filter” change is no different in that regard. I expect to make good use of these changes going forward.
Simon d’Entremont – 8 Composition Tips for Photographers
Simon d’Entremont has some fundamental but easy to overlook composition tips when shooting and post editing photographs in this video with some stunning examples.
How can you tell if a photo is AI generated? Here are some tips.
It will be interesting to see how AI generated images evolve technologically as they meld their way into the vast universe of visual imagery around us. Their niche will grow, but with that, I feel the demand for authenticity will increase with it, adding value to the work of those genuine creators who produce high-quality visual images. It brings to mind the value a genuine luxury brand product holds over a good “knock-off,” even when it might be difficult to tell the difference between the two. Of course, these are just my early musings on AI generated images at this point, and I could be completely wrong on that one.
I enjoy looking back on so many technologies that were introduced over the years, the pundits predictions on their future impact at the time, followed by the realities that unfolded into the future afterward. Learning how to adapt to those new realities is another matter altogether.
Curzon – Unpacking Wes Anderson’s Cinematic Style | Curzon | Zoë Morgan
This may be the best article I’ve read that details many of the elements of the Wes Anderson aesthetic. As it becomes more ubiquitous over time, some may appreciate it, not knowing anything about its origin. Fans of it should enjoy this article.
Why Are So Many Gen Z-ers Drawn to Old Digital Cameras? | PetaPixel | Tim Gorichanez
This article is packed with much more than the title suggests and delves into life, meaning, and much more that a photographer (or anyone) might find interesting and insightful.
Wim Wenders – Photography
Many people are familiar with some of Wim Wenders films, and his captivating moving picture artistry that captivates us in them. What many don’t know, as with many great directors, he is a great still photographer and remains one to this day.
Check out the tribute to his “road’ trilogy in the attached video below along with his website, that includes a section featuring his still photography.
AI Drawing Hands Issue: Why AI Art Tools Can’t Create Hands? – Dataconomy
AI is good at many things. If you want surrealistic and nightmarish imagery, AI inadvertently does that very well. AI is simply unparalleled in that regard when it comes to drawing hands at this point in its bizarre evolution. AI has mastered that “hands” down!