I call this camera my “little” Leica because it is smaller than than other Leica models in size and price, but by no means in quality. I won’t go into a technical review of it here (there are many online), but more wanted to talk about why I bought and use it when I have other quality camera options in my possession available .
First, I wanted a small pocket size camera that is user friendly that I can easily carry around anytime I am out and about. I always have arguably the one of the best phone cameras currently available with me, a Samsung Galaxy s22 Ultra, that takes stunning pictures and use it constantly, especially for the convenience it provides being connected to the internet 24/7, and with all the many Social Media platforms and apps for uploading pictures, videos and images along with various editing software all in one device. I am just like everyone else on that.
And that brings me to one big reason I wanted this Leica because it is never connected to the world around me. When I am out and about, I can walk the streets with just a camera and shoot pictures with one of the best small cameras available. I never touch my phone. My phone is always connected to the world in one way or another, and I use that for different reasons. Unfortunately, there are times over the years I have seen pictures I took ending up in places I never intended them too. How they got there is a mystery, and I am sure with detective work I could find out but but that is not how I like to spend my time. It has not been a serious issue (yet) and I understand I can check multiple settings, turn some off, etc. but that is a hassle. My phone is connected to “Big Tech” in many ways, with the ever evolving and changing terms, conditions, software updates, AI, API, enchantments, improvements, etc., and the unintended consequences that go with that. When I am walking the streets with my “little” Leica, I focus on simply shooting photographs. My phone stays in it’s holder, under my shirt, on my belt. There is little chance of dropping it on the pavement, in a puddle, having someone snatch and grabbing it, and all the pains that go with taking pictures in the street on a mobile device. If any of that happens with my camera instead, it simply won’t impact my life in the same way. I love the easiness and care free nature of shooting pictures on my Leica as well as it’s user friendly design.
Finally, when I want to upload the pictures from my Leica later at a coffee shop, Leica’s phone app turns on the camera WiFi, and there are the Leica pictures on my phone and I simply do what I want with them, same as with my phone camera pictures. I will also say the image quality of the Leica pictures are without equal and superb . I am still just learning all the more complex settings the camera offers and setting them on the fly and hope to get more out of this camera on my future photography walks .
Those are my personal reasons for wanting this camera and are obviously not for everyone. For me, it is great to have it as a camera that fits comfortably between my full frame Nikon and my Samsung Galaxy s22 Ultra camera phone.
Here is link to a video for the Leica D-Lux 7