This short video has some great still photographs and good tips for shooting in black & white with some apply to color as well.
Personally, I struggle with number two at times, using an EVS setting to expose by eye instead of meter. If I am moving around, the type of photography I am shooting varies wildly, the light and shadows are ever changing, I play it safe by shooting RAW, meter, bracket to get good HDR, use spot metering for precise focusing, and S priority to ensure no motion blur. That is just me and overkill sometimes.
I especially like number five, being in the right place at the right time as a function of your state of mind as much as anything else. I know for Street Photography, the first part is essential, the state of mind gets you there. I am not a Street Photographer and am acutely aware that I have yet to muster up the proper state of mind to be a good one. Until then, I will happily appreciate the images created by those who have mastered it!