Many people are familiar with some of Wim Wenders films, and his captivating moving picture artistry that captivates us in them. What many don’t know, as with many great directors, he is a great still photographer and remains one to this day.
Check out the tribute to his “road’ trilogy in the attached video below along with his website, that includes a section featuring his still photography.
This film on the topic of “film vs. digital” technology as it applies to movies is now 10 years old but has stuck with me ever since I discovered it back then. I found it profoundly entertaining, educational and fascinating on many levels and still do. While the primary focus of this documentary is how the topic applies to movies, there is much of it that applies to still photography today. With the recent reemergence of still film photography, this film comes to mind often with me. I was born into the film/darkroom age but have yet to get my 35 mm film camera out again, but am planning to for the first time in 25 years after seeing some of the images people are creating on film today.
Anyone who enjoys. movies, the technical and creative aspects of the visual imagery being produced today as well as those in the past, whether still or moving, would probably find this a captivating documentary.