My interest in photography began in the film/darkroom days when I went to photography school and learned to shoot with all types of film format cameras, process color/b&w film and prints, and worked in a custom color photo lab after I graduated school. Over time, as I evolved into the digital age with all its possibilities, film faded away in my life. My Nikon Ftn 35 mm SLR sat dormant for decades, yet I carried it through life and many moves. I did think of selling it at one point but hung on to it, possibly for nostalgic reasons. What I never would have predicted is the resurgence of analog and film photography you see today and for me, an plan to shoot film with my 1970’s Nikon 35mm camera once again.
I always liked Nikon above others camera products then. I even used their lenses on my darkroom enlargers. I’ve always been interested in photography gear and back then always looked at the popular cameras of the day, especially if I was with someone who owned one. Outside of Canon and Nikon, when it came to 35 mm, I always had an appreciation of Pentax cameras and the quality niche they had in the market among the other big names. I was excited to see the news of this film project featuring Pentax. I look forward to seeing where it goes as well as shooting a roll of Kodak film with my 35 mm Nikon Ftn for the first time since my last roll in the 1990’s .